By same
Date: 17 December 1998

Lost Again

This could be the one.
As I stare into the eyes
Of a soul that interests me.
I think my destiny has fallen
To my feet like a deck of cards.

And then, my love walks out the door,
Doesn't turn around,
Doesn't acknowledge my presence.
I am left with a heart in two pieces
Bleeding through my shirt,
Dripping onto my shoes.
It wasn't the one after all.

I just sit and sigh. 
Like everything else,
Life will go on.
The tears will evaporate,
From the depth of my emotions
That scream in a desert 
Hiding life.

This heart
That I now hold in my hands
Is sewed back together once again
With my blistered hands 
Waiting for another 
To pull the thread.

It's a constant complication 
To keep breathing 
When all the air around me
Refuses to be taken.

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