By Brenton Gabbert
Date: 7 December 1998


If I could reach to the skies,
I would grab the brightest star
Wrap it in love and give it to you.
For it matches the twinkle in your eyes,
Such beauty can be seen even from a far.
Which releases the beauty within that's pure and tru.
Upon this star I'd make a wish
To hold you in my arms just one time
To make a dream come tru before I die.
Cupped in my hands i give you this
A piece of the heavens to make you mine.
May you stay here with me and never fly.
Place it in the palm of your hands and with a kiss,
It dissappears into a gorgeous golden mist.
It surrounds your heart and surrounds your soul
Filling it with warmth and love that will never grow old.....

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