By Jenna MacIntyre
Date: 9 December 1998
Why did you have to do this?
You ruined my life.
It's like you came up to me,
ripped open my heart, and stabbed
it with a knife.
I'm all alone now,
thinking of you.
But when you think about it,
there's not much I can do.
Why did you have to be such a jerk?
How could you do such a thing?
Did you ever think about how I feel?
You know what... It really does sting.
I have hot tears rolling down my face
It hurts me me more than words can say.
You know the time you asked me out,
I don't regret saying yes that day.
I blame myself for maybe being a b*tch.
But it's not my fault you let me go.
It hurts like hell to ever hear your voice.
But dumping me was pretty low.
Look deep into the so-called "heart" you have,
and realize that I have feelings too you see.
You're missing out on lots you know,
but I lost you and you lost me.
This is also dedicated to my ex-boyfriend, Chris.
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