By H
Date: 22 June 1999


'They' say that 
actions speak louder than words
Well through the ether
words ARE actions
and actions are words
you haven't been 
sharing many of either
So now you tell me that 
You love me
You miss me
What does that mean?
Are you pulling those words on me
like a switchblade
as if you were trying to rob me
of what I once gave so freely
and so joyfully?
Well, here you go
take it
it's yours
the joy is gone
even though I still care 
even though you still just want to 
use me like some kind of 
emotional sponge
I am sorry 
for mistaking what I once felt
it was not romance
it was not real
it was never what you wanted anyway
and I cannot for the life of me
understand what you want with me now

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