By Penny
Date: 30 June 1999

My Confidant

My Confidant

I feel a shudder deep within the depths of my heart.
My confidant is resting there in the warm place 
that I have kept for him.  
It has been so long since i've seen his face.  
Sometimes in the dead of night I long to hear him laugh.  
To laugh the way he used to before all the
rainy days came and hid his tears that fell so frequently at the end. 
His loving friendly smile is forever etched in my mind, each curl of his
lips, each dimple; each line.  
He had good days but most days he stood in the rain
and hung his head to cry humbly.  I stood beside him on his
rainy days and tried to shelter his wandering soul from the deep and
lonely dispair he felt.  
He said I could always make him smile, but to
my dismay the smile would always steal away 
from his lovely red lips soon after.  
I'll always love this wandering one who was such a big part
of me.  He is nestled warmly in my heart and often plays in the wide and
grassy field of my mind.

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