By ZoE (
Date: 7 June 1999

Felt Dress

he sits near empty bottles
think he drank my heart with them

I cry when I think how he'd like my hair or how he shows up in my nightmares
or how I lie about the way our love wasn't a mutual thing

it was my magnetic infatuation that found me calling him at 3 in the morning
to make sure he remembered me the next day

how shitty songs reminded me of him
ones he never liked

what if I had gone that day
what if he found another like I did

I want him to be pathetic
how selfish I am

he liked my orange tube top
I don't think anyone else did
(maybe me)

The way he smoked his cigarettes right down to the filter
one after one
(I switched to his brand)
made him believe the lies
(I am the pathetic one)

the way he told me about sex like I was supposed to be older 
and shared my m&ms in his mouth
the way he had 2 strips of hair that...
I don't remember his face anymore
or the way his hands looked on me

I liked how his sweatshirt zipped 
and how he wore my black and red sweater like a dress

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