By The Guppy
Date: 15 June 1999


i'd really like to have my picture taken right now
all dressed in summer bumpkin attire...though the night is cold
though the rain is there
keyword there...not here...not in me...outside
i've lately been hoping i'd be at a loss for words
only so many feet i have to cram into my mouth and all
really makin me think i should shower more
good smelling feet are essential to one so prone to insertion into the oral cavity as i
methinks my feets at this time stink
gotta stop that....bad for the breath even after they're removed
no wonder why nobody wants to be kissing me right now
what with putrid stinkbreath and all
damn near rot the lips right off of a poor girl
or a rich girl
or a middle class girl
not a guy...i don't kiss guys....unless they are really cute....and i know them well....and they don't have stinkbreath
i don't kiss guys
not unless they're dead
i only kiss dead guys
to say goodbye
or italians
they're the kinda kissy type
what makes me so damn popular?
i can't even dance well
i try at times
look more like a fish than anything
i'd like to dance more
last time i did some girl kicked me
wasn't my fault that my fishy elbow caught her upside the booby
wasn't my fault
i felt bad
said i was sorry as the blow was coming
right square in the shin...evil evil girl
she shouldn't have had her boobies so close to my fishy appendages to begin with
i should have been the one kicking her
but such is life
wear shinguards
never trust a proud gambler
never rationalize nonsense
beauty is often lost in translation
confuscious said "oh screw me" and was never given credit for it
make a point to know if you are acting or reacting
wear a kevlar vest to school
sick sick world
omelettes are the only hope
i've got one hell of a poker face
royal flush hearts
problem is that i tend to yell out which hand i'm holding
what good is the face?
i used to be a hottie
now i'm a mystery

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