By Olivia de Lys
Date: 24 June 1999

The Revenant

Beloved, so deep this wound thine absence rends
That forever blights the heart's will to bleed;
From whose kiss bornes a winter without ends,
An autumnal gray breath to kill the seed
Of the rose that once thrived beneath blithe skies,
Now on the wind mourns thy loss with the rain,
Sings to sleep the ghost with her lullabies,
'Way to some earthen bed from mortal pain,
Hid from these eyes, unworthy of thy light.
No more shall summer shine upon mine brow
As morning heeds to the heralding night.
Be thou not forsworn to this broken vow?
"Neither with thee nor without thee can I
Or shall I live! Nay, sooner would I die
Than in the shadow of thy life cry!
My peace, at thy side, wherein rest I'll lie."

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