By The Guppy
Date: 15 June 1999

sliver of heaven

me, i'd rather be digging my toes in the sand right about now...
i love that wholesome sandy-toed happiness involved in it all...
digging through the hot dry sand and into the cool moist sand...
with a bottle of wine...
the girl...
and a subtle smile throughout my whole being...
lounging on the beach...
down around st. petersburg...
with the soft filtered sounds of some cock-rock 80's band bouncing off the rich people's haciendas and coming to me...
the only other sounds being the laughter of the beach dudes and chicks at the beach-bar a quarter mile up the coast...
and the gulf...
soft wind...
the gentle roll of thunder 50 miles away...
and the girl...
nah, make that lame wuss 70's music...
seals and crofts or something...
"there's a warm wind blowing the stars around, and i'd really like to see you tonight"...
yeah...that's the one...
for the moment...
just me and the girl...
all toes dug in the sand...
just being...
watching the lights...
watching the darkness...
feeling the breeze...
eventually getting up to dance to the lame music...
the girl and i...
casually flicking the sand from our toes and gently entwining each other in each other...
tripping over the wine bottle and somehow getting my toe caught in the opening...
she, being doubled over in laughter, and me being a combination of doubled over in laughter, and feeling like the idiot...
which i guess i don't mind...
me playing helpless and pathetic until she offers to help with the removal of my toe from the wine bottle...
that's when i'd spring...
with all the passion of the moment...
when i would look her in the eye...
kiss her like i was about to die...
roll her onto the sand...
and lose myself in the moment...
that's what i'd rather be doing...
making love with the girl in that setting...
that's the one...
both the girl and the setting...
that would be heaven for such a simple dude as i...
at this moment...
even though my toe would surely break due to the timing of the leap...
and that thunder that was 50 miles away would bear down mighty quick...
that's my heaven

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