By kevin urenda,
Date: 3 June 1999


There is no shortage 
of missiles in my mind’s arsenal
that I lob at strategic places
within my own heart
sometimes on the slightest provocation
My mind’s territory gets cleansed
of the homesteads of my heart
when it begins to think
there might be peace
I might be happy
I might finally love you enough
I might make you satisfied
It is as if I have been running for too long
from the dark clouds behind me as I 
chase the sunshine of your heart
When you allow that sun to set
as it does every night
I sometimes get tired of all the running and
allow myself to get caught by the darkness
to be whipped into submission by it
It is then that my first instincts are
to lock and load
fire missiles at will
if only but to light up the night sky


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