By sonksyt
Date: 21 June 1999


I almost feel like I don’t know you
It’s strange to realize
That I listened to all those radio tunes
And thought we would never sympathize

Innocently, I believed this emptiness
Would not be ours to hold
I was certain that our love
Could withstand both hot and cold

Which simply proves the old adage
That love is truly blind
Or is it? Maybe not
Just hoping against bitter times

Part of me has withered
My soul is streaked with tears
I long to feel “I Love You”
I miss open arms, open ears

The other portion silent
And locked safely away
Afraid to show its face
What tricks might you play?

And yet, I haven’t forgotten
The joy of hearts betrothed
How we felt not long ago
When we were friends, not foes

We seem to be pulling from 
Opposite ends of the rope
Wanting each other to “inch this way”
Hoping the other will drop

Today, my heart is sad
A little softened, too
I’ve loosened the grip on my end
Why is it so hard for you?

Happiness is possible
Less effort it would take
We used to wear a smile
But now sadness drains our strength

So now where do we turn?
An answer I await
But noone seems to have one
Uncertain is our fate

Uncertain is a scary word
We all want life outlined
So, I just have one question
Is your heart still mine?

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