By Shadygirl
Date: 19 May 1999

Your Crystal Creation

You fill my smile with freckles and cotton candy
and bring my skipped youth to my softened lips.
My forgotten innocence surfaces, fiery cheeks,
when you detail your desires in words.
I find myself, frozen, nervous, like a teenager 
In the wake of new physical passion,
As you explore me.  
As if I was never 
and you wish to recreate a 
black adolescence
you know nothing about.

I feel fragile and new,
Easy to look through,
Your crystal creation who owes you.

You reach out to me slowly, molasses glances
Intriguing my senses in the wait for your touch.
And then I remember
I am not young
This is not new
You are NOT them
And I color my body
Sunset bust and bruised thighs
And leave my childhood behind

Until I lay, nuzzled, curled
In your arms.

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