By Buknuy
Date: 27 May 1999


I smiled, I laughed
I walked the pathways with so much brilliance
And people look at me like I was 
Always dancing in such elegant trance.

People talk to me, laugh with me
Like I’m still part of their world
I look at the things enfolding me
Like it’s so warm as I’m so cold.

I go home every normal night
In silence, in peace
Until tonight when I couldn’t sleep
Because of the music I loved and missed.

It’s your voice in the machine
That have been idle for a time so very long
Now I wished I hadn’t come home late
I would have been dancing now with your song.

Now I can’t rest, I can barely move
I want to call but it’s too late.
And besides, I don’t know what to say
So I’d better feel your chant and wait.

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