By kevin urenda,
Date: 24 May 1999


I was never one to 
grasp resolve very often
until I met you those 
many years ago.
You strengthened my resolve
-and many other character traits-
with your sweet smile
with the  expanse of the 
    green mother earth 
        in your wonderful eyes
with the emotion contained 
    in your kiss
        as if happiness were right at the tip of your tongue
with the devious little 
    sense of humor you have always had
        poking holes in the dour seriousness
            that has always been me
    but most of all
with the tenderness of your heart
    so willing to give its all
        and to color the darkness of mine
    so willing to remold me
        into a new man with its love
            putty in its hands
These are the things I remember
    every day I wake up
        next to you...


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