Date: 8 May 1999

Living On The Seat Edge Of Swing


I remember swinging high,
the skirt flying days of yesteryear,
the innocence of an undefined yearning,
only knowing I wanted to be ungrounded,
loving the feel of slipstream wind 
dragging through my unruly hair,
and the rush when taut chain collapsed 
leaving me free-fall unfettered.

I am no longer the girl unknowing,
accepting as inevitable the gravity snap
of the ties that bind chain to seat;
life is no longer as simple as that.
I choose you as my forever, 
with my heart and my will,
neither taking you for granted
nor denying my yearnings, 
now more clearly defined -
or yours.

Swinging on the sway of words,
you next to me in tandem motion,
I remember the boys who would
leap at the apex of the arc,
something I never dared do,
knowing you were one.
Appraising the situation,
I weigh the depth of your
cognizant thought and debate
if I dare to let go.

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