By frederick agyeman-duah ""
Date: 4 February 1999
In my head your nail drives deeper
As your merciless hammer fiecely strikes
In my skin your needle make me suffer
Yet I look up and on your face a smile
Do you not feel my never ending pain
Are your ears deafened to the cry of my heart
Your eyes shine as mine begins to faint
Because my end of life is where yours start
You force your poisoned wine through my teeth
And on my lips you plant your vernomous kiss
In my soul your dagger cuts me deep
So what good is my clinched and powerless fist
You preach love yet it's not in your eyes
You said you'll be there but with time you vanished
And as I began to kiss the deep blue sky
Your careless spirit almost made it diminish
You made me yet you try to cease my breath
Making me a lone pebble in the hot sand
But without your comfort in the hope of my death
I'm alive and walking without your fragile hands!
(to the "father" I've never seen, I am alive!)
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