By Crystevin
Date: 12 February 1999
Making Love To The Soul
Have you ever made love to a soul? The soul...that unexplainable entity
that brings up thoughts of religion, spirituality, mysticism and debate
on each. Making love to the soul is only possible when first, you believe
in a soul and secondly, when two souls fall in love. For those of you
who have experienced it, you know what i'm talking about. For those of you
who haven't...I hope someday you will. There is nothing like the bond
of two souls during lovemaking. It's not the physical act, it goes way
beyond that. It's not making love with all the passion of being in love
either. IT goes beyond that also. It's the combination of being in love
with somebody's mind, body and spirit because you have come to know every
part of them and connecting all three with your own mind, body and
spirit during the most precious and sensuous gift two people can give each
other, the openess of total sharing. Sharing it all, not just the body, but
everything within the soul. When you can look deep into that person's eyes
and fully trust, love, and believe in that person's complete devoted
love for you, you have seen their soul. And when you make love to a soul,
you will know it. This is not possible for everybody and that's the shame.
To see a soul, you must first give your own completely by the act of total
unselfish sharing. But before that's even possible, you must HAVE found
your own, inspected it, admitted it's faults, humbled yourself unto its
truth. Then you must find that special person who has done the same without
even actively looking for them. OH yes, your soulmate is out there...
get in touch with your own soul so they will know you when they find you,
and don't be amazed when your eyes open for the first time as you
make love to a soul.
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