By Juan
Date: 24 February 1999
The Storm
When two people meet in the eye of a storm
they bind to each other and keep each other warm.
Is there love, one of a kind,
or do they walk in opposite direction
and pretend they are blind.
If they meet again do they reminise on old times?
or do they lower their eyes and just pass by.
I wonder why they left each other in the first place,
does this happen always,
or is this a special case?
did they make a mistake, and let each other go?
and just decide to ride with the flow,
Maybe it was for the best and things turned out better,
so they wouldn't face the problems of being together.
Maybe it was for the worst, they can only imagine
what could have been,
ten years from now, wishing they would be caught
in that storm again......
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