Date: 11 February 1999
Why do I have to feel things?
Why can't I grow immune to feelings?
Why can't I live my life without getting hurt?
I'm put here for one thing,
to fall in love.
Why do I have to fall in love?
The one thing that I'm scared of,
And it's the one thing that I'm supposed to do!
So there,
I've done it,
I'm in love with you.
Not by choice,
But by faith,
Faith in you, faith in love;
That you won't hurt me,
And that love will conquer all in the end.
So now what?
I'm in love and happy,
So do I die?
Is that it?
I've served my purpose,
So I guess we all get hurt in the end.
No matter how hard we try not to,
Or how scared we are.
But I realize what they say is true:
"It is better to love and lost
Than to never have loved at all".
So we all learn our lessons,
And go our seperate ways.
I just hope my next trial isn't as hard,
Or at least not as hard as losing a love.
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