By Jared Herrera (
Date: 12 February 1999

"The Window"

He's been staring at his bedroom window
Watching the rain descend,
Its 3 o'clock in the morning
And his heart is at it's end.

He can see her eyes in every raindrop,
Memories in every puddle,
It is clear to him why he's alone,
For his sins are not so subtle.

He knows that he's not perfect,
But for Him he tries to be,
"Please forgive me for what I've done," he prays,
"For I need her here with me."

The rain is changing into tears,
For he fears what just might be,
That he may spend his life alone
For all eternity.

But bursting through the broken blinds
Is a ray of light,
Reflecting off of every corner,
Touching everything in sight.

His tear-stained cheeks are suddenly dry
As he picks himself up off the floor,
He holds his breath and closes his eyes
As he opens up His glowing door...

He's been staring at his bedroom window,
The day has replaced the night,
As he watches the sun shine and the birds fly above,
He gets the feeling things just may be alright.


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