By Wendy 
Date: 23 April 1999


Sometimes it's hard                       Or would intelligence be
For intellignet people                    Knowing the past-
To let go of logic        (1)             Embracing it-              (5)
And ration                                Learning by it-
And perfect good sense                    And moving on...?

To abandon our better                     With affairs of the heart 
Judgement                                 Which is worse             (6)
And trust our heart       (2)             Giving it to the wrong person
Even when it contradicts so loudly        Or not giving it
With sound reasoning                      To the right one?

Smart people learn                        Precocity
From their experiences                    Is a gift
And their mistakes        (3)             Use it, but                 (7)
They know better than                     Don't let it
To do it again                            Control You.

Would it be smart, then,
To protect ourselves
From mistakes of the future
By living in              (4)
Errors of the past?

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