By Madison
Date: 24 April 1999


Sunrise listened
as I summoned your face to mine
Your arms around me
in the silence of this empty rest
I lie alone.

My footsteps trace the hall
lured to the solace of the keys
where they wait in quiet yet whose strings
are nagging like a woman scorned
I would write a song for you my love
I would write a song of promise
from the hollow of my core
but still alone.

I watch my hands across the keys
from white to black
and crevices between
the soundlessness is broken
pulling tears out from the air
an ancient ballad intervenes
an offering lays opened
his silence stands alone.

Louder I play, the tempo never rushed
I created this for you, can't you hear?
slender trills, sudden rises
passion lost against the flicking pages
of his flurried catalogue
and coffee in the den.

But now my soul sees only you
I move my hands for your eyes
You my new love who finds beauty
in every breath I take
You caress me with your words,
with no reserve, my soul is bare
Your face, your voice
I bring you near
You are the sound that fills my air.

M Madison
22 may 98
copyright © 1998

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