By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 19 October 1999
and so it went
like Billy Pilgrim
I am unstuck
in time
five seconds ago
I was with you
on Mount Scott
watching a mediocre sunset
and laughing at you
in your tacky green shirt
and kelly green shorts
now I am desolate
as I wallow
in the bed
I never make
missing you
but wait
now I'm elated!!!
and sixty years down
the road
because we're together
in an old folks home
and you
are stuck
in a wheelchair
too feeble
to fight me off
so you have
no choice
but to
play Bingo
and checkers
with me
and let me
brush away
that same pesky
errant hair
on your
right eyebrow
and kiss
your turtle eyes
and your
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