By The Guppy
Date: 17 October 1999


yes, i am impressed
your bride sure does look beautiful tonight
oh, my love life is in a shallow grave on the outskirts of hell
it's not all bad though
plenty of time to figure out what i need to avoid
oh, by the way, speaking of your bride...
did you know she had a crush on me?
did you know she had propositioned me while you were engaged?
i had your back, way that would happen
no...we aren't friends...we never really were...but you are a person
and i've dealt with the whole infidelity thing...
you're upset with me?
for what?...telling you the truth?...or for not sleeping with her?
funny how that ring just got a little heavier, huh?
well, i guess you two are going to go home, have sex, and then bring this all up
ha...i never said you weren't out to get all you can
oh, hi
we were just talking about you...
yes, i am impressed
you look very beautiful tonight don't need to say that...i'm not as cute as i once was
yeah, your husband is a great guy
he does treat you well...look at all the stuff you have
oh, my love life is crap ever since audrey hepburn died...that was a joke...
you really shouldn't say that so loud...
yes, your implants are beguiling
no, that is a roll of quarters in my pocket
yes, she is very pretty
i'm sure i could score with her
why are you so concerned?
i'm not pissed off...i'm just asking
yes, completely right...i just need to get laid
no, that probably wouldn't be good for your marriage
really?'re not wearing any?
must be cold
i think i need to go over there now
no, it's not you
i just thought i saw a glimmer of hope standing over there...
no, the one next to the one in the fishnet stockings...
yeah, her, the little sad-eyed girl
i dunno, she looks nice
why? you know who kurt vonnegut is?
i guarantee she does
nice seeing you again

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