By Alexandre
Date: 14 October 1999
Little one
No fear rests in the eyes of a man that holds courage to his breast and
releases his verve with infinite compassion upon blessed souls. So begins a tale of worth and woe, of dream and sorrow to last till time's unwonted
Gently you caress my senses, a muse in the night, as always because the night is the gate toward dreams. To dream, a wistful scent of perfumed bouquet wafts too and fro from you. Adorn a mask of pure and translucent veil to shine the light from thine eyes, worst come from the silent who would capture your smile with but a glace, never to soak into the primal rage of fury emanating from thy being.
Breath extinct by the blow, I seek to breath the same air as thou as the path rushes beneath my flowing strides. My pride ground under, I leap, I soar, I voyage.
Is it simply at a runners pace? Whereas those few moments seemed though not so bright in my mind, I know them as such. These liquid statements swell to burst and the tide rises within and breaks upon shore. Pebbles of time trickle through my fingers as I reach to touch you. For as words are my only witness, they be my sole possessions for keepsake. And therefore sacred in mine eyes.
Yet I plead, lest I start upon a journey, sorrow has no place in my tears, which beg a fruitful release. Thus I call, upon the earth on which I
tread, upon the wind to my breast, upon the waters on which I was borne and unto the flames where I live. Solonel occasion to behold, my madness is loose and seeks not to be contained. For indeed I am possessed by a dark and demanding angel whom I shall name Love.
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