By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 22 October 1999
One Night in Heaven
I knew you for two nights
I knew your name
[Dallas Dale Densman]
and the day you were born
[September 30, 1975]
You were deaf in your left ear
and you lived in Keller
and you had a fuck buddy named Mandi
and a girlfriend named Missy
[maybe you had a thing for girls]
[whose names]
[started with the letter "M"]
You were Mine
for two summer nights
I'll never
I remember how we learned each other
in my friend's dark den
with black sheets
on the window
You were in bed
on the couch
and I was tempting you
from the chair
as we pretended to watch
and you were so excited
when you asked me
what color your eyes were
and I said Hazel
because everybody else
said they were greenish-brown
and you said
that bugged you
we played mind games
we flirted
we played pretend
when I boldly said,"Pretend I'm a horse and
you're going to ride me off into the sunset!"
you banged your head
into the pillow
wanting me bad
and finally
you had me
on the blanket
on the floor
I had told you
I thought you
were a tease
and as you looked down into
my eyes and kissed
my lips
you said,"Now am I a tease?"
and I was appeased
as we began
The Dance
you closed your eyes
as you touched me
and you touched me
you said that heightened
The Sense of Touch
if you had proposed marriage
I would have accepted
but you returned home
to your girlfriend and fuck buddy
and forgot my phone number
...that was in 1995 and now I'm at the end of 1999
no less enchanted by my memories of You.
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