By Various Authors
Date: 21 July 1999

Love Thoughts

Oh, the comfort - the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person
Having neither to weigh thoughts, 
nor measure words - but pouring them
All right out - just as they are - chaff and grain together
Certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them,
Keep what is worth keeping,
And with the breath of kindness
Blow the rest away....

		- Diana Maria Mulock Craik

Experience seems to convince us that only fools trust, 
that only fools believe and accept all things.  
If this is true, then love is the most foolish, 
for if it is not founded on trust, belief and acceptance, 
its not love.

		- Leo Buscaglia

There is no remedy to love but to love more.

		- Henry David Thoreau

The magic of our first love is our ignorance that
it can ever end

		- Benjamin Disraeli

You may be deceived if you trust too much, 
but you will live in torment if you do not 
trust enough
		- Frank Crane

.... And we ourselves shall be loved for a while 
and forgotten.  But the love will have been enough;
all those impulses of love return to the love that made 
them.  Even memory is not necessary for love.
There is a land of the living, and a land for the dead, 
and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning.
		- Thornton Wilder

In the silence of night, I have often wished for just a few words
of love from one man, rather than the applause of thousands 
of people.

		- Judy Garland

Time is 
... too slow for those who wait
... too swift for those who fear
... too long for those who grieve
... too short for those who rejoice
but for those who love

		- Henry Van Dyke

The game that is subject to the greatest penalties is LOVE
		- O. A. Battista

Love is the sickness in which recovery is loss.

		- Pam Brown

Perfect love is rare indeed .. to be a lover will require that you 
continually have 
... the subtlety of the very wise
... the flexibility of the child
... the sensitivity of the artist
... the understanding of the philosopher
... the acceptance of the saint
... the tolerance of the scholar
... the fortitude of the certain.

		- Leo Buscaglia

Love doesn't make the world go round.
Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
		- Franklin P. Jones

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