By The Guppy
Date: 10 October 1999


it's a foolproof plan to end up broken hearted
place all your eggs on a gravel road...
have some girl in a sundress tapdance on them and ask if you like them scrambled
always respond that you like them to at least have a sunny side
the direction it's facing isn't important
what is important is that you keep a sense of humor about it all
and make sure you kiss her goodbye, and ignore the egg gunk on her toes
ignore the little horns on her head
ignore her swaying hips
ignore her eyes that reassure that you are just another one in her dead pool
her eyes...
you looked at them a few nights back and swore you could see yourself...
your children...
their children...
their children's girls in sundresses tapdancing on things that looked like eggs
you could see the whole picture
the whole future
the world in the eyes of the beloved beholder

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