By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 22 October 1999
a real live barely breathing girl
lived is devil backwards
throw the ball this way
I can catch it
and throw it back
you think you are
breaking me down
with your doubt
you flatter yourself
by thinking I'm crying
because we are miles
have you forgotten my story?
were you not listening
when I sang
my song?
I have seen some respectable monsters
in my time
I have faced down countless
screaming demons
and cleaned the skeletons from
my closet
I have journeyed to hell
on my tricycle
and thrown my heart
to the dogs
*****i have danced in the fire*******
and named
each scar
there is nothing you can do
you can't kiss it
and make it better
you can't fix me
or break me
you can take me or leave me
but you better
believe me
this doll
has got
some weight
this dream
has a voice
and I will scream
bloody murder
until you realize
I'm for real.
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