By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 22 October 1999
Will I Ever Love Again? [yep.]
Got another sweet e-mail from W.J.S. last Friday.
Thought I saw Jay & Jennifer at the intersection by
Pampell's last night. Dreamed about them all morning. We
ate dinner at a French restaurant. I had to spend fifty
bucks. I thought,"Well, there goes half my paycheck. Now
I can't buy Autumn a birthday present."
When Jennifer left the table Jay told me he didn't
have to work 'cause she took care of him. Got money from
her rich daddy. Sick. What a bizarre dream.
It bothers me that I still care. Will I ever love again?
I'm not even whole. I'm broken to bits by MCC and Taz and Lee
and Walter and Dallas and Joe and Jay Freakin' Roberts.
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