By Crystevin
Date: 7 September 1999

Choose Love

The fact that love and happiness do exist
are reflected by the life you live.
We create our own joy and sorrow
in the way we react to situations
based on emotions that are drudged up
from experiences.  Controlling your situations
requires patience and wisdom.
It's like the old saying
"look at the bright side"
there are bright sides to find
but we seldom try to find them
because it's easier to wallow in our pain
and self pity.
Find joy in a new day
meet a new person
put a smile on someone elses face
then look in the mirror
and realize
you're only human
full of imperfections
usually more visible to you
than everyone else.
Then go beyond
and look into your soul
do you know right from wrong,
love from hate?
If you truly do,
you are capable of finding
peace, love, and happiness.
are you capable of giving the love
you want to receive?
If you don't
you are depriving yourself,
fooling yourself,
and will suffer the consequences
of your own ignorance.
I pray you will

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