By Daisy
Date: 7 September 1999
Addy 'Em Up (Boys)!
I'm tired of this game
Always putting so much out there to bid on.
and somehow nobody ever holds. They admire, they look, they touch...
but no one *ever* holds (Nor buy. But who am I to be labeled with a tag?)
"What's the name of the game?"
A newcommer to the hard table says...
"Take your pick and make your draw."
a hollow growl tosses out with destinctive point.
Oh so innocent those who don't know...
Had my round...
came to the highest level.
Maybe I placed the stakes just alittle too high.
A chance is a chance that we must all take though right?
"And the Winnnnerrrrrrr is..."
Damn, poor kid,
had no clue he could lose so much.
There's no comfert for those who lose all.
But my turn is up.
This player's had her fill.
(I'm in debt now...)
I give...who's next?
I've played the Game.
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