By ZoE
Date: 11 September 1999
ShE SaId goOdNighT AnD ChANgEd HeR NaMe
Last night I dreamt of you with a pretty face
Last night our lives had become understandable
we’d reached a common ground
and you were beautiful like your voice
you were as dazzling against those wires as your voice when I closed my eyes
And I loved you in a way we hadn’t loved
in a dark way that shook me
watching the bones of your legs underneath that flowing dress
I was impressed by your perfection like I’d always been
only I always had the face and now you did
although you didn’t have boys hanging on your knees
you electrified both them and me
and I became the floor you walked on
it wasn’t comparable to the times I tried to selfishly get you off the line because I was it
and had others to talk to
and at that time incomparable to now you loved me
and to think back I didn’t know or was too proud to love you so
and now my dream has given me some acceptance although you are gone
and all our fights have been my fault and somewhat erased from my mind
maybe my dream wasn’t of you
maybe you weren’t so right
but I like to think it was you and you have made what’s wrong right
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