By Kennicky
Date: 25 September 1999

This little life of mine


                      that I hold in my arms tonight
          and swallow each day 
                             (with chocolate milk)
              is crying out to be touched again
                      maybe hurt again
                but not left all alone.

                     and flailing in my own blood
           I'm not drowning
                             (but I feel as if)
                trying to figure out what's next
                        each day
                   is another rainy one like the last

                              I know
                   what could make it all different
            but which crack do I jump
                             (in the sidewalk of life)
                  that's in both of our ways                                       
                          so that we
                    could be lucky in our love agaim

                               What about
                       how it was supposed to be
              how am I to shine 
                               (without that that makes me)
                  it was supposed to be ours
                          me and you
                    not this little life of mine.      

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