Date: 18 September 1999
Just yesterday
We exchanged love letters
And made plans to be together.
Just yesterday we said we'd always be in love
And always send each other smiles in our letters
And call to see
How each other was doing..
We thought the other was our friend and lover
That our words meant something
And now we see the truth,
That our supposedly solid friendship is over
In only a blinking moment
Dropped like a soiled garter;
And all those loving words we exchanged,
Are retracted
All promises, off...
What happened to us both
That we broke faith so soon?
It seems maybe we swore a counterfeit oath
Always to love each other
To be faithful and true
That's funny, because today,
Our hearts still both beat the same way
That they did yesterday
When we thought we were in love
But now their unison is broken
And their broken vows,
A cacaphony of voices out of sync..
Is it because we've changed our minds
Like we change our clothes?
And is this the way our loyalty ends?
Not returning each others' notes, calls, emails or glances??
Sadness and bitterness call with open arms.
Alone, we both face ourselves
And carry our guilt around
Wearing it like a necklace of betrayal.
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