By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 1 October 1999
Primrose Path
burning rose petals
mate with a hissing
rainbow flame
as I listen
to "Stairway to Heaven"
in my bedroom
in the dark
feeling eternity
a moment
I can feel
my uncle's spirit
and I
do you believe
the reality
of my
sick longing?
this ritual is only
a ripple
in the pond
you doubt
my depth
in my eyes you only
your reflection
I wonder if you
ever think
of how good
and deep
our first
kisses were
do you remember
the connection?
once I was
your magical girl
your delicate marble rose
your starry eyed dreamer
you would tell me
so tenderly
not to worry
you were big enough
for the both of us
I could ride across
on your shoulders
we held hands
and walked
down a path
under a crescent moon
a Cheshire Cat smile
the whole world smiled on us
when we
first met
and there was a mist
and I might have stumbled
and maybe
I was a little
but being with you
I didn't cry out
and I didn't worry
because you lit
me up
(the candle is still glowing)
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