By Galadrial
Date: 2 September 1999
Same Orchard, Different Tree
I've been solitary
for too much of this life,
bending myself to fit
where I could---
and suddenly you flashed
wildfire on a damp night
and I felt the connection.
Why did you feel so comfortable,
like an old lover
I never learned to hate?
Why was your touch
as solid and tactile
as any I have known?
I stripped down my soul,
and flung everything at you
in an effort to build
a seamless wall against you---
and still you wait for me.
I say your name when I'm alone,
and speak to you in my mind,
make up reasons to sever this cord
before it binds me any more tightly
and long to lay my head against your chest,
wrapped in your arms like a comfortable quilt,
and just say "yes".
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