Date: 29 August 1999

Loving e-stranger

I knew a man, lovely in his soul,
How well his wishes went!  He stroked my chin, 
He taught me Turn, and Counter-Turn, and Stand,
He taught me Touch, that undulant warmth skin.

In secret we Met……
In silence we Talked……
In life owned Prisons,
In else owned Properties,
Farthest apart, like Day and Night, Cold and Heat,
Across the Distance, 
Across the Blood,
At a point of boundless,
In mind, the two souls Mate………

And then, in sighs and moans, serenity
And play, unbound, with mesmerizing thirst
In shrouds of laughter, dances and melody
In my deepest soul, He touches,
In forbid, instinctive passions burst! 

To Ken, Anchorage, Alaska
From Alissa, Malaysia



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