By Ta-Wei
Date: 31 August 1999

The Perfect Love

The loneliness can’t comprehend to the single beating heart,
of a man who feels he’s been torn apart,
	His burden, heavy, with the sought of true bliss,
of the only thing he will truly miss.
	Her touch, itself, is nearly a sin,
her hands, fitted perfectly into his.

	He ached, and longed, since the very first time,
a time which he will never forbide.
	He sometimes sits and looks there yonder,
and presents the possibility and wonders,
	if a love like this could ever exist,
how he could never resist.

	Her lips so soft, her eyes more pure than gold,
together they knew that they would grow old.
	They shared so much, knew where to touch,
loved each other more than love but,
	knew that time was only a measure,
to cherish the remaining time and treasure,
	each other’s presence in fullness and in part,
Because true love exists only in the heart...

				-- Ta-Wei  4/30/99

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