By same
Date: 19 August 1999

What's wrong with this picture?

I don't mean to sound like I'm bashing the women, and I know this isn't true of all, as no generalization is, but can anyone answer me this? In my short life I've observed this to be pretty constant and it's one thing about many women I've observed, which I'll never been able to uderstand, without help. The women I've seen and talked to seem to always complain that they can't find the right man who understands them, and who has all the desired characteristics of money, looks and that just right combination of assertiveness and submissiveness which they seek. They complain how they are mistreated by the men they do take up with and say that if they could find one who could truly be their friend, as well as lover, they'd never ask for anything again. Yet, why is it that whenever a nice man comes along they stomp all over him and step on his heart, leaving him for dead? And the most contented I ever see any of them is when they've finally located the meanest man they can find and then they proceed directly to fall in love with him. Then, when they get hurt, as they inevitably do, it just goes to prove their theory that' men are defective and abusive' and this, right after they got through rejecting the nice one who would have treated them like a queen! So let me see if I have it right: If he's nice, he's weak. If he's agressive he's a jerk. What the hell then is good enough? And what's wrong with this picture?.
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