By Jlor
Date: 7 August 1999

Seaworthy Love

I once was a vessel new in love
Passing carefree through lanes 
Of life's open sea.
Then without warning
A breakup
Threatened to engulf me
And destroy my sanity,
In seething Northern Oceans
Rolling over my world 
And whipping me violently,
Tearing my lost love from 
My hands,
My eyes
My heart.
In the storm of galeforce winds from the north
I crashed on the shore of southern seas
Anger drove me helplessly on hate's rocks.
Conspiracy of time and a lover's treachery 
Had made a mockery of this shipwrecked heart
And broke apart all happiness  
Putting out the light in me: 
Life's direction drifting without rudder
Hurt crashing into everyday thoughts
I was dark with despair, without a destiny
Tears were all I knew, washing over me
Uncertain loneliness foaming, receding, foaming
It would seem for all eternity...
But my ship somehow is still here
It survived the terrible storm
And though rusted with time and pain
I  am fixing it again 
Making repairs for a brand new day 
Painting the future bright with hot, rainbow colors 
Docked in a pretty new harbor 
Now I can set sail again
To recover the time I've lost
Plying the waters with new arms 
Anchored safely in her heart
Where I can weather any storm
Coming home to a sure place
Of being loved on a huggy beach 
Happily covered 
By her warm sand 
Feeling healing in her sunny smile
Forgetting all about the old shipwreck
I'm ready for smooth sailing now: 
In love, in style, with a smile.

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