By ~mandy~ (
Date: 7 March 2000

A fairy tale romance

Give me a fairy-tale romance any day.  Send me a prince in wolf's costume.  
Sprinkle magic kisses all around, enough to last all my days.  
Give me stolen glances full of passion and power.  
Secret touches of more than just our skin brushing, but our souls touching 
briefly in the lyrical dance of true love.
Send me on a quest full of whimsy and danger.  
But, always be there just when in need you the most.  
Save me from myself while I slay all of my dragons.
Hold my hand in comfort while is shed my tears of sorrow and pain.  
Point the way when the swamp seeks to slowly gobble me up.
But most of all, when I push you away in vian hopes of preventing further damage
to my already tortured soul, believe in me, keep loving, hunt me until I can 
come to my senses and accept my destiny.
Yes, Give me a Fairy-Tale Romance any ole day!

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