By Jenna Holland (
Date: 7 March 2000


Rocco Pezzella's theory on finding the right girl as told in our Spanish class.

How do you know when you found your match?

   "I look at it like this: The girl I'm with now, she's a... Plain Cracker.  She's the one that likes everything I do, we have the world in common, and she is me, but in female form.  (And pretty damn good lookin' at that!) But she is missing something, ya know?  
   Then every so often you come across a Saltine cracker.  They are the kinky girls.  The ones that are way out of your league, you know the ones I'm talking about?  They are the fantasy fulfillers.  They are the ones that disappear before dawn, and you never catch their name and when you wake up in the morning you are depressed that they aren't there, but you always do got them memories.  They never stick around long enough.
   But in the end... You'll always find your Ritz..."

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