By Rich Grimm
Date: 22 March 2000


As I sit and reflect upon the life I have led, it seems that it has been a pretty good one,
There have been many experiences that were trying to my heart and soul- but I survived..
I have been blessed with many very good friends, along with several fine lovely ladies,
All of whom have shared many special times with me, and taught me more about life- and myself.
Each merged with my heart- contrary as it was- and like water to the desert, brought new life,
I loved and do love them still- for all they were, all they are and all that they have yet to be.
For bringing me back from many lost and lonely times, for trusting me with their hearts- I am grateful.
My one undying wish is that one day, they will see and understand how special each of them is,
And that they will have the desire of their hearts and find one that will love and respect them as I do,
As they should…

Many nights I spent alone with my dark thoughts, wondering where I was going, and would I ever arrive,
Allowing the poison of guilt and despair to flood my soul until finally released by the written word of poetry.
Some old beliefs I held onto with a death-grip while new ones became apparently loose fabrications of deceit,
All tried, all failed except the faith that I kept inside- the faith of the capricious sea, impetuous and wild.
Lessons that are free are seldom worth learning, and all lies seem to have a touch of honesty hidden within…
For awhile, I was subdued by the demons that congregated around my once forlorn soul- I became a ghost,
A thin shadow of what I was- even as life was taking what little of me was left, until finally empty- I returned.
Scattered I was, with pieces of me everywhere- it felt as if I was spinning around and around in a black void,
The prospect of putting oneself together again is a scary thought, especially when starting from scratch.
Now I feel as if everything is back in order, I just need to get adjusted to this new aspect or incarnation of Me.
My apologies to any who happened to suffer flak while I was under reconstruction…
I realize now how good it is to breathe again, to watch a sunset, laugh with children and experience life once more.

'Life'                R Grimm      3-00

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