By lanna
Date: 28 March 2000
I stand out on the sidewalk,
spread my arms wide
and scream at the top of my lungs.
The neighbors throw empty soup cans
and cereal boxes at me.
They yell for me to shut up
and threaten to call the cops.
They've obviously never felt like this.
I begin to spin rapidly
against the revolutions of the Earth.
Fragments of songs from childhood
escape from my lips,
the volume ever increasing.
Snippets of conversation from
passerby sneak into my reverie.
'Is she ok?' 'What's with her?'
Something about white coats.
Hell NO! I'm not ok.
I'm a woman possessed.
The stars and lights
all stream together.
A breeze kicks up
as I stop spinning
whipping my hair around me.
I fall to my knees,
not feeling the pain of the
harsh pavement beneath me.
Sirens can be heard.
I look up,
laughing joyfully,
tears streaming over flushed cheeks.
I raise my wrists,
ready for the cuffs.
Take me away! It's madness, I tell Ya!
A soft smile touches my lips
as I sit in the back of the squad car.
Love knows no boundaries.
It certainly won't be stopped
by the bars of a cell!
Ain't LOVE grand?
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