By Angel
Date: 10 March 2000

Map of Love

If love were a map, there would be many types of roads to travel:
One-ways, two-lanes, four-lanes, slow lanes, fast lanes, all-terrain lanes,
winding roads, straight but narrow roads, high roads, low roads,
bumpy and dead-end roads...So many roads to travel to one destination,
and all of them veering off in a slightly different direction, any which
combination of them being capable of leading you to that same great destination
of LOVE. I have traveled a few of them myself, and let me tell you...those
roads can be HELL on the treads of your heart! I have taken off blindly at
break-neck speed only to be halted abrubtly mid-way by some unforseen obstacle
right 'smack dab' in the middle of the DAMN road (which I was blinded to by
the sunshine dancing through my shaded eyes). Likewise, I have found myself
cruising slowly down winding, sleepy lanes that have suddenly woke me up in
the nick of time before plunging me headlong into some deep, dark, emotional
cavern that was cleverly hidden by awesome scenery along the route. "Oh, how quickly these roads can change"! Two roads I try earnestly
to avoid are the one-ways and the dead-ends. The former is more easily
recognized as such and thus easiest to avoid. I get off of them at the very
first sign and very first off-ramp. It is the dead-ends that are the deadliest!
They can fool you into thinking that there is much more road ahead. Though, in
truth, they cut way short and often do not give fair warning to slow down. This
is what causes you to SMASH headfirst into the cruelest wall of heartache...
...But, then again, you learn! And you try another route! All of these
roads are so very different and they lead to many variations of emotions. They
span out in many different directions and yet they all lead to one destination
...That is LOVE! YES!
Many of these roads have led me to where I am at now. It took these rough, winding
one-way and even deadly, dead-end roads to get me where I am now...And that is,
right 'SMACK DAB' in the middle of LOVE. I have traveled...I have been traveled
...I have ARRIVED and now I am just cruising through love....


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