By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 13 March 2000


SCENE 64-INT.-Papaw's motel room. Day.
Papaw is sitting at the table reading
*Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.*
There's a knock on the door.
Papaw: Who is it?
Becca's voice from the other side of the door:
Room service!
Papaw puts the book down and unlocks the door.
Becca enters the room carrying a big white box and
two small cartons of milk.
Becca: Good morning! How'd you sleep?
Papaw: I slept well. Nevermind the cockroaches.
What's in the box?
Becca: Donuts! We've got glazed, chocolate and
sprinkled. Take your pick.
Papaw: If this don't beat all. You think of
everything, don't you?
Becca: Donuts have always been a tradition in my family.
Everything else was chaotic and bizarre, but Mom always
made sure we had donuts every Saturday morning.
Papaw: Donuts are good. There is nothing in this world
more perfect than a glazed donut. If it ain't broke,
don't fix it.

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