By lanna
Date: 26 March 2000

The Vision

i stand in the middle of the room
stripped of all from my former life
i am naked 
and i feel the eyes upon me
i fall to my knees
ashamed of my body
twisting and turning to hide

'Too much this, too little that.'

i hear the voices around me 
inside me
i feel chains bind me
heavy and cold with my fear
i lower my head
wanting to hide eyes filled with pain
the pain of being not quite right once more
i struggle in the chains
my heart racing with the fear
that i will never be free
i stop
a hand on my shoulder
gently caressing its way to my chin
raising my head
eyes lift
meeting those of Another
eyes of FEAR
meeting eyes of ACCEPTANCE
He raises me
pulling me from the floor
a single word uttered


He guides me to a mirror
turning me to face it
i try to turn away
but He will not allow it

'See what I see.'

i look for a moment
for what seems like forever
and realize what He sees
a heart filled with love
a soul burning to serve only Him
a mind brimming with questions
willing to follow His lead
the chains loosen
fall to the floor
i emerge
as if from a dream
a beautiful rose where once grew a weed
i see now what He sees
i fall once more to my knees
touching my lips to His boot
i utter one word...



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