By christopher lake
Date: 15 July 2000

after we talked tonight

after we talked tonight
and left it like we did
i walked for two miles in the dark
and saw no stars
and thought about being tired
of thinking
and hurting you
and you hurting me
and using up six-hour phone cards
to end up in the same place
all over again
each knowing we should let 
the other go
but unable to do it
and there must be a reason for this
there must be a reason why
neither of us can just hang up
and turn off our feelings
and fall asleep to reassuring dreams
of moving on and new
with other people
less flawed
than ourselves
and the reason is basic
and visceral
and raw
and i know it will be clear 
to us both
when i'm holding you
and you're here beside me
three weeks from today
bathed in blue light
and beethoven

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