By Gecko  (
Date: 9 November 2000


I see you through a plate of glass,
Beyond reach but not of sight.
I wish there were some way to break
this glass that keeps us apart 
and bring you back to this world we 
once shared.
I love you but fear your wrath.
Why must it be this way?
Am I never to know your touch again?
The scent of your sweet perfume?
A I sit here wanting, needing,
I imagine your hand in mine,
your lips perfectly mated with my own,
and I can smell your perfume.
It invades my senses and overpowers me.
Blissful memories flood my mind and
for an instant we are together again.
Together as two locked as one in an 
eternal embrace.
But it has come and gone so quickly.
These moments never stay with me long,
for they make my heart ache, weep and
long to be with you again.
What am I to do when everytime I 
forget you there is something there
reminding me of the love we once shared,
the love we swore would last forever.
I am lost without you and need your light
to guide my way.
Or else forever be lost in darkness.

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